LiensGénéral Primitive Technology 01 (7 july 2015) : Wattle and Daub Hut Pierre - bois - hutte - toit en feuille - feu par friction (hand drill) - poterie - torchis - toit en écorce - cheminée Primitive Technology 02 (8 july 2015) : Thatched Dome Hut Pierre - bois - hutte en palmes - plantations Primitive Technology 05 (18 july 2015) : Making Black bean safe to eat (Moreton Bay Chestnut) Noix - petit panier - table à cuisson - galettes Primitive Technology 07 (18 july 2015) : Wood shed and Native bee Abri en bois - lien végétal - toit en palme Primitive Technology 08 (20 july 2015) : Palm Thatched Mud Hut Hache de pierre - hutte - toit en palmes - murs en torchis - poterie Primitive Technology 09 (september 2015) : Hut with a tiled roof, underfloor and walls Hache de pierre - bois encastré - lien végétal - four à tuiles - tuiles - feu par friction (hand drill) - chauffage par sol - murs en pierre-terre - porte en bois - torche-lampe à résine Primitive Technology 18 (july 2016) : Grass hut Hutte en paille - lien végétal Primitive Technology 20 (september 2016) : Barrel Tiled Shed Perçage d'un trou par le feu - chalumeau - charpente - panier tressé - four à tuile - feu par friction (hand drill) - abri avec tuiles courbes Primitive Technology 24 (january 2017) : Bed Shed Découpe de perche - charpente - liane - lit - natte - feu par friction (hand drill) Primitive Technology 27 (april 2017) : Water Powered Hammer (Monjolo) Creusement du bois - montage hydraulique - feu par friction (hand drill) Primitive Technology 31 (september 2017) : Mud bricks Briques de terre - formes à briques - four à briques - four à tuiles - feu par friction (hand drill) Primitive Technology 33 (november 2017) : New area Starting from scratch Abri en bois - toit en palme - feu par friction Primitive Technology 35 (january 2018) : A frame hut Abri en bois - toit en palme - lien végétal - feu par friction (hand drill) - hache de pierre - lit Primitive Technology 36 (march 2018) : Lime Chaux - feu par friction (hand drill) - brique Primitive Technology 37 (april 2018) : A round hut Abri en bois - toit en palme - lien végétal Le bois Primitive Technology 21 (october 2016) : Spear Thrower Bois - raclage - feu par friction (hand drill) et combinaison initiateur braise & flamme - durcissement au feu Primitive Technology 15 (march 2016) : Bow and arrow Bois - corde - plumes - résine Le feuFriction (arc) One Handed Friction Fire - For the Handicapped Feu à l'arc... à une main ! Friction (manuelle) Primitive Technology 03 (12 july 2015) : Firesticks Feu par friction (hand drill) - cuisson rapide d'un petit pot de terre Friction (charrue) Fire plow -a la Wilson... Charrue à feu.. sous la neige ! Friction (pompe) Primitive Technology 13 (january 2016) : Cord drill and Pump drill Feu par friction (hand drill) - feu par friction (pump drill) Général Primitive Technology 14 (february 2016) : Making charcoal Bois - charbon de bois Général Primitive Technology 28 (june 2017) : Reusable Charcoal Mound Bois - charbon de bois Primitive Technology 38 (may 2018) : Blower and charcoal Ventilateur - charbon de bois - perles de fer Le métal Primitive Technology 19 (19 july 2016) : Forge Blower Terre - bois - forge Primitive Technology 32 (octobre 2017) : Natural Draft Furnace Terre - bas-fourneau - minerai de fer - réduction Primitive Technology 41 (august 2018) : Iron prills Prills de fer - feu (hand drill) La pierre Le site de Bernard Ginelli :
Primitive Technology 04 (18 july 2015) : Making A Celt Stone Axe Hache de pierre polie - manche en bois Primitive Technology 06 (18 july 2015) : stone adze Herminette en pierre - manche en bois Primitive Technology 40 (june 2018) : Wood, ash, cement Ciment - feu (hand drill) - brique Les plantes Primitive Technology 17 (may 2016) : Sweet potato patch Enclos en claies - culture - entretien du sol - cuisson Primitive Technology 25 (february 2017) : Planting Cassava and Yams Enclos en piquets - culture Primitive Technology 39 (june 2018) : Yam, cultivate and cook Culture - feu (hand drill) - cuisson La poterie Primitive Technology 10 (october 2015) : Chimney and pots Cheminée - poterie - four à poterie - pincettes en bois - eau bouillie par pierres Primitive Technology 26 (march 2018) : Termite clay kiln and pottery Poterie - four à poterie - Feu par friction (hand drill) Primitive Technology 30 (august 2017) : Simplified blower and furnace experiments Poterie - four à poterie - ventilation Primitive Technology 34 (december 2017) : Pottery and stove Four à poterie - poterie - eau bouillie - feu par friction (hand drill) Vie primitive (chaînes vidéos) Primitive channel Primitive Channel (USA) talk about primitive technology, primitive survival skills, and use only primitive material, Build shelter and hut primitive use use only natural material. all is using only nature material. Primitive Life These days my life is so boring. something happened and now I just want to live alone. Primitive Technology is someone I admire and I'm going to live like him as an experiment.Lets go!!! Primitive Skills Technology Hello Everyone ! Primitive Technology Making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild. Primitive Technology Idea Primitive technology idea (USA) youtube channel for everyone Primitive Times I am trying to make videos about primitive technology stuffs from scratch with natural resources around the jungles. I am Cambodian (KH). Anlong Veng District is my working place. Hope to share these primitive technology videos with you. Search Terms: kanalin adi primitive technology, neo primitive technology, primitive technology animal trap, primitive technology archery, primitive technology arrow, primitive technology asia, primitive technology atlatl, primitive technology australia, primitive technology axe, primitive technology bamboo, primitive technology barrel tiled shed, primitive technology basket, primitive technology bed, primitive technology blower, primitive technology boat, primitive technology bola, primitive technology bow, primitive technology bow drill, primitive technology bronze, primitive technology cabin, primitive technology catch crab, primitive technology catch fishes, Survival Skills Primitive My Goal is to educate people in the art and skill of living with nature. Whether you are interested in living completely off the land, or you are just a weekend hobbyist. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible that you have the knowledge and the ability to handle any situation the great outdoors presents you with, as our ancestors did. I want you to be free from dependence on modern conveniences and confident in your ability to survive and thrive in any wilderness situation. Le textile Primitive Technology 16 (april 2016) : Weaving bark fibre Ecorce - fibre végétale - filage - navette - métier à tisser La vannerie Primitive Technology 12 (december 2015) : Baskets and stone hatchet Panier en feuilles de palme (vannerie spiralée) - panier tressé - hachette de pierre polie Primitive Technology 22 (november 2016) : Fresh water Prawn Trap Vannerie tressée - poterie - feu par friction (hand drill) - cuisson par ébullition (pierres) Primitive Technology 29 (july 207) : Sandals Vannerie - sandales - cordes